Few-Shot Physically-Aware Articulated Mesh Generation
via Hierarchical Deformation

1Tsinghua University, 2Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence, 3Peking University 4Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 5Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute
ICCV 2023

We generate diverse and physically plausible articulated meshes from few examples by transferring common shape knowledge from large datasets.


We study the problem of few-shot physically-aware articulated mesh generation. By observing an articulated object dataset containing only a few examples, we wish to learn a model that can generate diverse meshes with high visual fidelity and physical validity. Previous mesh generative models either have difficulties in depicting a diverse data space from only a few examples or fail to ensure physical validity of their samples. Regarding the above challenges, we propose two key innovations, including 1) a hierarchical mesh deformation-based generative model based upon the divide-and-conquer philosophy to alleviate the few-shot challenge by borrowing transferrable deformation patterns from large scale rigid meshes and 2) a physics-aware deformation correction scheme to encourage physically plausible generations. We conduct extensive experiments on 6 articulated categories to demonstrate the superiority of our method in generating articulated meshes with better diversity, higher visual fidelity, and better physical validity over previous methods in the few-shot setting. Further, we validate solid contributions of our two innovations in the ablation study.


Method Overview

Our few-shot hierarchical mesh deformation scheme comprises three key designs: 1) learning and transferring common deformation patterns from large rigid datasets, 2) synchronizing convex deformations to consistent object deformations, and 3) improving the physical validity via a physics-aware deformation correction.

More Few-Shot Generation Results


Click here for more examples on Eyeglasses


Click here for more examples on Scissors




Click here for more examples on Table


Click here for more examples on Airplane


Please contact us at xymeow7@gmail.com if you have any question.


      title={Few-Shot Physically-Aware Articulated Mesh Generation via Hierarchical Deformation},
      author={Liu, Xueyi and Wang, Bin and Wang, He and Yi, Li},
      booktitle={International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},